Va a Warren Richardson il “World Press Photo of the Year 2015“.

Il fotografo si è aggiudicato il prestigioso riconoscimento e ha vinto il primo premio nella categoria ‘Spot news‘ con uno scatto che mostra come i rifugiati attraversano il confine dalla Serbia in Ungheria. Quello che ha vinto, in particolare, è uno scatto catturato nella notte del 28 agosto 2015, che mostra un uomo e un bambino che attraversano la frontiera, tra Horgoš (Serbia) e Röszke (Hungary), in un punto in cui il muro di protezione non era ancora stato completato.



Migrants crossing the border from Serbia into Hungary.
Migrants crossing the border from Serbia into Hungary.


Richardson è un fotografo d’origine australiana, freelance, attualmente lavora a Budapest, in Ungheria.

Così ha spiegato come ha realizzato lo scatto.

“I camped with the refugees for five days on the border. A group of about 200 people arrived, and they moved under the trees along the fence line. They sent women and children, then fathers and elderly men first. I must have been with this crew for about five hours and we played cat and mouse with the police the whole night. I was exhausted by the time I took the picture. It was around three o’clock in the morning and you can’t use a flash while the police are trying to find these people, because I would just give them away. So I had to use the moonlight alone”.



Queste le motivazioni della giuria.


Early on we looked at this photo and we knew it was an important one. It had such power because of its simplicity, especially the symbolism of the barbed wire. We thought it had almost everything in there to give a strong visual of what’s happening with the refugees. I think it’s a very classical photo, and at the same time it’s timeless. It portrays a situation, but the way it’s done is classic in the greatest sense of the word.

Francis Kohn, chair of the general jury, and photo director of Agence France-Presse


Lo scorso anno il riconoscimento andò a Mads Nissen.