PhotoBerlin, summer edition 2015


PhotoBerlin è un progetto fotografico continuo di documentazione contemporanea su Berlino (e le sue storie). Un racconto continuo fatto di workshop che mette al centro bravura e professionalità a livello avanzato, il tutto unito da linee guida di fotografi documentaristi di fama internazionale.




E per il 2015 torna torna la Summer edition con workshop aperti a tutti ma tenuti da donne fotografe e/o esperte professionisti del settore. 5 workshop in 5 giorni (dal 17 al 21 agosto) con 5 donne per un’idea tutta al femminile nata da Linda Ferrari e Chiara Luxardo e a cui fino ad oggi hanno partecipato davvero in tantissimi.


Chi saranno le docenti della prossima edizione?

Laura Boushnak, Laura Pannack,  Alisa Resnik, Barbara Stauss (photo editor) e Mila Teshaieva.

I workshop si svolgeranno in lingua inglese. Una versione italiana sarà possibile nel workshop di Alisa Resnik mentre possibilità di seguire in tedesco il workshop di Barbara Stauss.


Tutte le



Photo-Berlin is a photographic project curating an on-going contemporary documentation of Berlin through advanced level workshops led by international award-winning documentary photographers. Photo-Berlin is back with a Summer 2015 edition held by professional women photographers and experts in the field.

The idea of creating a women-only edition was born from two Italian photojournalism addicted girls, Linda Ferrari and Chiara Luxardo.



While organizing the 7 months Masterclass in collaboration with Stefano De Luigi, member of VII Photo Agency, they realized surprisingly that women participants made up two/thirds of a high level photography course. A current underrepresentation in a male-dominated field led to an expressed desire by the participants to have more women references.

The 2015 edition of Photo-Berlin will therefore organize:

5 Workshops in 5 days with 5 amazing women

Laura Boushnak, Kuwaiti-born Palestinian photographer

Laura Pannack, British photographer

Alisa Resnik, Russian artist

Barbara Stauss, Swiss photo-editor

Mila Teshaieva, Ukrainian documentary photographer




17th – 21st August


Berlin, Kreuzberg, GlogauAir


5 days workshop: 4­ hours in the classroom every day and the rest spent shooting the story. Students will develop a story about an assigned theme through a day ­by ­day guidance in the selection process.


More info:

The Mammoth's Reflex
The Mammoth's Reflex
Tutte le news sulla fotografia condivise dalla redazione. Contact:

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