I vincitori del Sony World Photography Awards, Open Competition.


Sono stati annunciati i vincitori del Sony World Photography Awards, Open Competition. Qui le immagini che hanno vinto la categoria Open, suddivise nelle dieci categorie del concorso. Ognuno dei dieci vincitori di categoria ha ricevuto una macchina fotografica A6000 Sony. Inoltre, i fotografi vedranno il loro lavoro esposto alla Somerset House (Londra) dal 1° al 18 maggio e pubblicato nell’edizione 2014 del libro annuale Sony World Photography Awards.


Smile: Alpay Erdem 


© Alpay Erdem, Turkey, Winner, Smile, Open Competition, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards
© Alpay Erdem, Turkey, Winner, Smile, Open Competition, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Split Second: Hairul Azizi Harun 


© Hairul Azizi Harun, Malaysia, Winner, Split Second, Open Competition, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards
© Hairul Azizi Harun, Malaysia, Winner, Split Second, Open Competition, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Travel: Li Chen


© Li Chen, China, Winner, Travel, Open Competition, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards
© Li Chen, China, Winner, Travel, Open Competition, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


People: Arup Ghosh


© Arup Ghosh, India, Winner, People, Open Competition, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards
© Arup Ghosh, India, Winner, People, Open Competition, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Panoramic : Ivan Pedretti 

Ivan Pedretti, Starry Lighthouse
Ivan Pedretti, Starry Lighthouse


Nature & Wildlife: Gert van den Bosch


© Gert van den Bosch, Netherlands, Winner, Nature & Wildlife, Open Competition, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards
© Gert van den Bosch, Netherlands, Winner, Nature & Wildlife, Open Competition, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Low Light: Vlad Eftenie 


© Vlad Eftenie, Romania, Winner, Low Light, Open Competition, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards
© Vlad Eftenie, Romania, Winner, Low Light, Open Competition, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Enhanced: Kylli Sparre


© Kylli Sparre, Estonia, Winer, Enhanced, Open Competition, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards
© Kylli Sparre, Estonia, Winer, Enhanced, Open Competition, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Arts & Culture: Valerie Prudon


© Valerie Prudon, France, Winner, Arts & Culture, Open Competition, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards
© Valerie Prudon, France, Winner, Arts & Culture, Open Competition, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards


Architecture: Holger Schmidtke


© Holger Schmidtke, Germany, Entry, Architecture, Open Competition, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards
© Holger Schmidtke, Germany, Entry, Architecture, Open Competition, 2014 Sony World Photography Awards
The Mammoth's Reflex
The Mammoth's Reflexhttps://www.themammothreflex.com
Tutte le news sulla fotografia condivise dalla redazione. Contact: redazione@themammothreflex.com

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