AMBURGO. Torna ad Amburgo fino al 28 giugno l’appuntamento con Triennial of Photography Hamburg, il festival internazionale di fotografia, che proporrà in città numerose iniziative oltre a mostre. Il ‘motto’ per questa edizione 2015 sarà il futuro. In questi gioni il centro sarà movimentato da incontri e appuntamenti con mostre che proseguiranno fino alla fine di settembre.
LA RIVOLUZIONE DELLA FOTOGRAFIA. L’uso sempre più frequente degli smartphone per scattare, l’onnipresenza di Internet, la sempre più facile fruibilità alle immagini oltre ai progressi compiuti nel digital imaging hanno innescato certamente una rivoluzione nel campo della fotografia quotidiana. La Triennale di Fotografia in questa edizione esaminerà allora l’attualità del mezzo e l’importanza della fotografia artistica in un mondo in cui la fotografia è diventata una forma globale di comunicazione capace di superare le barriere linguistiche. Un po’ la filosofia che ha dato il ‘la’ al tema 2015 della manifestazione (diretta da Krzysztof Candrowicz) che concentra l’attenzione del festival sul futuro sia della fotografia ma anche il futuro professionale nel campo della fotografia.
LE MOSTRE. “When we share more than ever” è il titolo delle mostre ospitate al Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe dove alle opere del museo saranno ‘accostate’ opere di artisti contemporanei. L’idea è di far luce sugli usi storici e contemporanei della fotografia come mezzo di comunicazione. All’Amburgo Historical Museums sarano esposte opere del collettivo Sputnik in una mostra dal titolo “When the past meets the future” mentre il Kunstverein in Hamburg ospiterà la mostra “When Photography Revises” che interroga i fotografi contemporanei su sei questioni importanti riguardanti l’immagine contemporanea. “When There Is Hope” al The Hamburger Kunsthalle indaga il concetto di speranza mentre all’ Hamburg / House of Photography verrà presentato “When Man Falls” del fotografo contemporaneo Phillip Toledano, un progetto che sviluppa visioni socialmente rilevanti e altamente personali riguardo al futuro. Oltre alle mostre ufficiali ci sarà tutta un’altra serie di esposizioni che indagheranno il tema della fotografia contemporanea da tutti i punti di vista e un ricco programma di eventi, conferenze, tavole rotonde, workshop, letture di portfolio, presentazioni di libri, visite guidate (tutti i dettagli sul sito).
FestivalGuide: rz_tph_2015_festivalguide_engl_innen_web
HAMBURG. The international photo festival Triennial of Photography Hamburg brings out the best in Hamburg as a city of photography, with numerous photo exhibitions and events at various locations spotlighting the theme of “The Future.” From 18 – 28 June 2015, international photo professionals and enthusiasts will meet up on the Alster. The ten days of the festival will in addition feature an extensive program of events. The exhibitions are scheduled to extend beyond the festival period.

Tourné, tourné, tourné, tourné (Look what they´ve done to my song, ma), 2012
Installationsansicht Kunstverein Leipzig
3x Pigmentdruck, 65 x 107 cm, 2010 ( Cliché of a Flower Bouquet IV) © Inga Kerber, photo: Uwe Walter
Images Rule Our World
The inflation of mobile-phone photography, the omnipresence of the Internet, the easy accessibility of found images, and advances made in digital image production – all of these developments have set off a revolution in everyday photography. The Triennial of Photography will look at the current relevance of the medium and the importance of artistic photography – in a world in which the photographic image has long since become a global form of communication across all language barriers and an all-encompassing social phenomenon.
It was with this in mind that Krzysztof Candrowicz, artistic director of the Triennial of Photography, chose the motto THE DAY WILL COME for the festival. The focus is both on the future of photography and the future in photography. The directors of the city’s eight participating museums and exhibition spaces selected the internationally acclaimed photo curator as artistic director on the basis of his concept. Working together with the curators at the various venues, he decided that each institution should present from its own special perspective one aspect having to do with the future.

The Main Exhibitions at the Museums
Under the title WHEN WE SHARE MORE THAN EVER (19 June – 20 Sept. 2015), the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe is juxtaposing works from its own collection with pieces by contemporary artists. The idea here is to shed light on historical and contemporary uses of photography as a medium of communication. The Hamburg Historical Museums are confronting newly discovered treasures from their photography collections with works by four contemporary artists from Sputnik Photos in an exhibit titled WHEN THE PAST MEETS THE FUTURE. The Kunstverein in Hamburg, in the exhibition WHEN PHOTOGRAPHY REVISES (19 June – 13 Sept. 2015), asks six questions of photography that outline its relevance within contemporary image discourses. Photography itself is challenged here to stimulate our contemplation of its future. The exhibition WHEN THERE IS HOPE (19 June – 13 Sept. 2015) at the Hamburger Kunsthalle traces ambivalent and highly controversial aspects of the “principle of hope” in contemporary photography based on works by international artists. WHEN MAN FALLS at the Deichtorhallen Hamburg / House of Photography (19 June – 6 Sept. 2015) presents work groups by the contemporary photographer Phillip Toledano, who lives in New York and develops socially relevant and highly personal visions of the future. Also on view are 60 historical and contemporary portraits from the F.C. Gundlach Collection on similar themes. The Bucerius Kunst Forum addresses in WHEN WATER MATTERS (13 June – 20 Sept 2015) how the physical and optical qualities of water – including its destructive power – have been treated in photography and painting since 1800.
The Special Shows
Complementing the museum exhibitions, Special Shows will also illuminate the theme of “The Future.” The exhibition #snapshot from the Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, examines the changes wrought on photo culture by digitization and the Internet. In When the Millennium Begins, Henrik Spohler shows “realized utopias” of global production and distribution in four photo series. The show Facing New Spaces at Designxport presents works by students in Bielefeld, Kassel, and Hanover that interpret the theme of the festival on the political, social, architectural, aesthetic, and spiritual levels. At the Deichtorhallen Hamburg / Falckenberg Collection, a retrospective is on view titled Lynn Hershman Leeson – Civic Radar, showcasing one of the first and most influential media artists, who has done groundbreaking work in the field of photography while also dealing with pressing social issues.

Überfahrt, Melilla-Almería, Mittelmeer, 2009 aus der Serie: Postcards from Europe Archivpigmentdruck auf Karton, Konsole, Postkarten, 68,6 x 83,5 cm © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2015
The Festival Center with the Container Village
The focal point of the festival is the Container Village outside the Deichtorhallen, where visitors can obtain information, tickets, and catalogues, and which is also the setting for exhibitions and parties. In the former ship containers, ten European photo festivals and nine photo schools are presenting exhibits. As our international partner, the Photoville festival from New York is showing contemporary US photography in six containers. Further exhibitions have been organized the Friends’ Society of the House of Photography, the Amsterdam photo agency NOOR, Thomas Vanden Driessche, OLYMPUS, MINI, and Hamburg Marketing. Admission is free of charge. In the evenings, photo projections on various themes – New York, Asia, France, photo contests – will be shown on a big screen. And DJs will spin tunes ensuring a rousing celebration of photography.
The Satellite Shows
The Triennial of Photography Hamburg is a cooperative event involving a number of different photography stakeholders in the city. Over forty galleries and additional organizers are represented with Satellite Shows. New exhibition venues awaiting discovery include old warehouses in the Oberhafenquartier, artists’ houses, churches and apartments, the university, the Chamber of Commerce, and the foyer of the SPIEGEL publishing house.

The Program of Events
The extensive program of events accompanying the Triennial includes panel discussions, lectures, discussions, workshops, portfolio reviews, book presentations, guided tours, and two photo contests: “What’s next?” and “#VisionHH.” Our partner OLYMPUS offers an interactive parcours on the OLYMPUS PHOTOGRAPHY PLAYGROUND, designed by the artists Maser and Leigh Sachwitz. Other important partners are the photo agency Magnum Photos, the DGPh (German Photographic Association), the DFA (German Photography Academy), and the Metropolis and Abaton cinemas.