Soldiers and Suffragettes: a Londra si scopre Christina Broom


LONDRA. Fino al 1° novembre per chi è di passaggio a Londra, un imperdibile appuntamento – gratuito- al Museum of London Docklands. Qui infatti sarà ospitata la mostra “Soldiers and Suffragettes: The Photography of Christina Broom” la prima fotoreporter donna del Regno Unito.



Life Guards S. Raper, Sidney Crockett and William H. Beckham, 13 September 1915 © Christina Broom/Museum of London
Life Guards S. Raper, Sidney Crockett and William H. Beckham, 13 September 1915 © Christina Broom/Museum of London


In mostra una sezione del suo lavoro che ha spaziato dalle suffragette ai soldati della prima guerra mondiale, dalle fotografie ufficiali della divisione Household ad altri eventi chiave che hanno segnato Londra -come la parata del sindaco, incoronazioni reali, funerali e rievocazioni storiche- e che sono stati tutti immortalati da suo obiettivo.

In mostra anche oggetti appartenuti alla Broom (lettere, tessere stampa, notebook, album di ritagli,…) che, assieme alle foto e ai negativi esposti al museo, regalano un quadro più completo del carattere della reporter e della sua carriera.




LONDON. The extraordinary life and work of Christina Broom, considered to be the UK’s first female press photographer, is celebrated in the first major exhibition of her work at Museum of London Docklands. “Soldiers and Suffragettes: The Photography of Christina Broom” includes a cross section of her work, including Suffragette processions, First World War soldiers, official photographs of the Household Division and key London events, from the Lord Mayor’s Parade and royal coronations and funerals to historical pageants. These photographs are joined by original glass plate negatives, and objects which build a fuller picture of Broom’s character and her career, including personal possessions, a suffragette banner, letters, press passes, notebooks and a cuttings album.




In 1945 Christina’s daughter Winnie recalled how she found herself in the company of Queen Mary who enquired after the whereabouts of her mother’s negatives. Explaining that she had placed a large number in banks, Winnie received the response: ‘I suggest you should get them to safe places – museums etc…for posterity where people may go and look at prints when they have more leisure’.



Sharon Ament, director of Museum of London, said: “As the Museum of London Docklands opens its first major photography exhibition and the first retrospective of Christina Broom’s pioneering work, I continue to be stirred by the imagery which captures some of London’s most historic moments of early 20th Century. This retrospective gives Broom the exposure she deserves.”

Anna Sparham, curator of Photographs at the Museum of London, said: “In a letter from Christina Broom’s daughter, Winifred, in 1975 she said ‘naturally the Museums are not interested in our lives – but are glad of our negatives’. It excites me hugely to be proving this statement wrong as we bring these beautiful objects and imagery together for the first time in one space for everyone to see.



Soldiers and suffragettes: the photography of Christina Broom

Museum of London Docklands

Friday: Sunday 1 November 2015





The Mammoth's Reflex
The Mammoth's Reflex
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